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Darts1 interview
with Paul Nicholson

Paul Nicholson, quarter finalist of the PDC world championships in 2009, current no. 40 of the PDC and no. 2. of the DPA order of merit, was available for this exclusive Darts1 interview, thanks a lot.

Paul, you seemed to appear from nowhere right into the limelight of the PDC stage - how did that happen?

I started on the DPA circuit in Australia at the end of 2007, and the second tournament I went to I won, which was the inaugural Australian Singles. After that, I made the decision to have a real go at it, and I had an exception first full season which included qualifying for the World Championship and Grand Slam of Darts. The rest is history!

When and why did you move to Australia?

I moved over in July 2005. I met an Australian girl in Newcastle (UK) and instead of her moving here we decided that I would move to Australia. I would have had to move abroad with my old job anyway so it was easier for me to do that than for her.

And would you say you are now an Australian?

I represent Australia at the moment, but I do still consider myself an Englishman.

For how long do you play darts now and did you already play when you lived in England? BDO youth perhaps?

I've played since I was two years old so for 28 years now! I played County darts for Northumberland for five years, played in the Winmau World Masters play-offs and Gold Cup and some other BDO events, but I knew if my game was ever going to get better it would lie with the PDC.

What did you have in mind with your walk-on during the Grand Slam and did it turn out as you expected?

It didn't turn out as I expected, but I did want to be perceived as quite an aggressive character. That's how I prepare and how I feel when I go on stage - my opponent is trying to take money away from me. Obviously the Wolverhampton fans saw me as someone to dislike, but every sport needs a bad boy!

You wear for a dart player a rather unusual outfit on stage - why? And is it not slightly uncomfortable to play in a waistcoat wearing a tie???

It's not really uncomfortable. It's a fitted design but quite loose. The tie is quite loose so there's no discomfort, and I make sure I have enough movement in my shirt. The look, for me, is very important as I want to appear individual. I also feel it's good for my image to look smart and I'm always looking for different ways to stand out from the crowd. The waistcoat began as a tribute to Tom Kirby at the UK Open and after the good feedback I got I decided to carry on wearing it.

Do you only wear it on stage or during the floor tournaments as well?

I wear a shirt and tie in the floor tournaments but the waistcoat is only on stage.

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