Interview Russ Bray Back 1 2 3 4 5 Forward

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Darts1 Interview
with Russ Bray

But it's really your natural voice, isn't it?

Yes, it certainly is.

Is a caller some kind of entertainer as well and how much can he influence a crowd?

Without doubt you have to entertain, and you can influence a crowd...if you are a bit dowdy you can make a good game very flat, but you can make a flat game very exciting by how you call the game.

Or can he have any kind of influence on the players?

Yes, if the player is not happy with the Referee calling his games then he can be affected.

Do there exist any kind of official rules for a caller?

Yes, we are governed by rules and regulations.

Does the chalker write down what you call or do the chalkers verify everything?

The chalkers have to mark down what I call, wether it is right or wrong, bearing in mind sometimes they can't see the dart board from where they stand.

And should there be a problem who would have the last word, the chalker or the caller?

The Referee has the last word, he is in total charge on the stage for all that goes on.

What did you think of the BDO idea to work without chalkers on stage?

I prefer to have chalkers on the stage, one I think it keeps the tradition of the game in place and also they are not likely to crash like a computer can, there are no delays waiting for the computer to reset to the next leg or set, and also if there is a problem it can be verified quickly there and then without having to refer to anyone else off the stage.

Did you ever have to settle a dispute between players up on stage?

I have yes, although these are few and far between.

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