Interview Russ Bray Back 1 2 3 4 5 Forward

Russ Bray Fahne England Fahne Deutschland

Darts1 Interview
with Russ Bray

I think you do exhibitions as well?
Are you engaged together with certain players or can one book you extra?

I work with any player or company that wish to book me as I am freelance.

Do you like exhibitions?

I love them. They are so different to TV tournaments and that is where you really get to have fun with the audience and the player concerned.

Are you an employee with the PDC with some kind of working hours?

No, I am contracted to work with the PDC through World of Darts who employ all the stage officials.

Do you do other work for the PDC as well, I noticed you often act as some kind of board referee during the floor tournaments?

Yes, again this is the other side of what we do at PDC Events.

Do you in fact do the whole PDC circuit as well?

With us having 4 referee's 2 work the North of the Country and and 2 work South. I do all the calling in the South unless it is a TV tournament and all of us are used there, and also a lot of the Tournaments abroad.

Who decides which matches you call?

The tournament director of the PDC decides who is calling what games we will referee at the Tournaments.

What fascinates you in darts and would you say darts really is a sport?

I love sports that are one on one and this is what fascinates me with darts. Two players competing at the highest level under extreme pressure and still being able to perform...Darts is definitely a sport. Counter Logo Darts1 Counter
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