Interview Francisca Hoenselaar Back 1 2 3 4 5 Forward

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Darts1 interview
with Francisca Hoenselaar

The WDF/ BDO offers a much bigger variety of different tournaments, team competitions, doubles, mixed, the PDC only offers single 501. Do you feel single 501 is in the end the best of all? Is the rest only for fun?

For me that's something that has to do with learning and experience as well, there are tournaments for players on all levels. So not so good or not so experienced player can win something as well, that is very important and encouraging.

2009 for the first time you managed to win the World Champion title, how much did it mean for you?

It was an interesting experience, it really tops all other tournament wins. People still congratulate me on winning it.

Who do you think will be your most dangerous opponent in 2010 World Championship?

I wish Deta Hedman would win it, of course I would like to win it again. But should I not win it I would wish Deta could. She is around now for such a long time already and till now never had the chance. She was my idol when I started to play. She's such a great player!

You only play matches over a rather short format during the World Championship, would you prefer a longer format?

Of course I would prefer a longer format, we all would prefer it. It is not we never tried to get it. This short format is really hard. You've to come in immediately otherwise you don't have a chance at all. It's ridiculous. And at the World Championship you only have that single match. In other tournaments were you play some matches one after the other you at least have the chance to develop.

And what do the women play in other tournaments? The same format as the men or is it always shorter?

It's always shorter. And not only that. Can you believe during the Winmau World Masters we had to play at 10 o'clock in the morning? Never ever they would expect that from the men. And is always squeezed in between the youths.

Very rarely one can see in Germany parts of the ladies World Championship, how is it in Holland? And is it really people are not interested to watch it?

I think people are really not interested at all.

And how are the relations between male and female players? Do male players respect the females or don't they take them serious?

Oh - that is really good. They at least take us serious!

Do you practice much?

Of course I practice. When I am all alone in the house I switch on music. I've a lot of music on my I-pod. I like Jazz and a lot of other music but nothing aggressive, calmer music. I've got an own room, my bedroom upstairs.

Have you got a practice partner?

I had one for some years but now I practice alone.

Frances Hoenselaar Frances Hoenselaar

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